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Gear Up & Go Fund

Empowering Outdoor Enthusiasts

The Gear Up & Go Fund is our internal fund, dedicated to supporting individuals, families, and children who are passionate about outdoor activities but face financial barriers to acquiring the necessary gear. We believe experiencing nature firsthand is essential for fostering a deep connection and commitment to its preservation. However, we recognize that the cost of equipment can be a significant obstacle for many, regardless of their background, who wish to engage in activities like trail running, climbing, and hiking.

Our Journey: Fortunate Beginnings

As outdoor enthusiasts, we've been fortunate to purchase the gear needed for our adventures—running, climbing, hiking, or cycling. These experiences have had a profound and transformative impact on our lives, and we want others to share in the benefits that come from connecting with nature. The Gear Up & Go Fund was born from our desire to remove financial barriers, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to explore the outdoors and build a lasting connection with the natural world.

Current Focus: Trail Running

While the Gear Up & Go Fund is still in its early stages, we are working to establish partnerships with suppliers who share our vision. Initially, we will focus on providing gear for trail running, with plans to expand to other activities in the future. We anticipate helping approximately two individuals per month as we begin this journey.

How to Apply

If you are passionate about outdoor activities and need financial support to get started, we encourage you to apply for assistance to acquire your gear kit through the Gear Up & Go Fund. The application process is simple and straightforward. Just visit our application form, fill it out, and we will review your application. There are no specific requirements; applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Receiving support comes with zero strings attached; nothing is expected in return.


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